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== '''Version 2''' ==
== '''Version 2''' ==

It is recommended that you only use endpoints from the API Version 2, and store the results in a database for further processing.
It is recommended that you only use endpoints from the API Version 2, and store the results in a database for further processing. Responses in this version are not sorted or filtered (in most cases), allowing for quicker responses, designed for your end-use application to do the sorting and filtering.
==== Base URL ====
==== Base URL ====
* <code>https://crafters.one/api/v2</code>
* <code>https://crafters.one/api/v2</code>
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== Endpoints ==
== Endpoints ==
=== Get Player ===
=== Get Player ===

Latest revision as of 00:54, 12 January 2025

CraftersAPI Documentation

Welcome to the CraftersAPI documentation. This API allows players to access various statistics from the Crafters.one server . To use the API, you need to obtain an API key, which is given on request via tickets, and make requests to the endpoints provided.

Obtaining an API Key

To interact with the CraftersAPI, you must have an API key. Open a ticket to request permission to use the API. Once permission is obtained; follow these steps to get your API key:

1. In-Game Command: Use the command /craftersapi new <NameOfAPIKey> in-game to generate a new API key.

2. Viewing Keys: Use the command /craftersapi keys to view your API keys.

3. Cancelling a Key: Use the command /craftersapi cancel <NameOfAPIKey> to cancel an existing API key.

Making Requests

Base URL

All API requests are made to the following base URLs:

Version 2 (Recommended):


Version 1 (Deprecated):



All requests to the API must include a valid API key. The API key should be included in the request headers with the key x-api-key.

Rate Limiting

The API is rate-limited to 600 requests per 10 minutes per API Key.

Version 2

It is recommended that you only use endpoints from the API Version 2, and store the results in a database for further processing. Responses in this version are not sorted or filtered (in most cases), allowing for quicker responses, designed for your end-use application to do the sorting and filtering.

Base URL


  • X-API-KEY (required): Your API key. Required for all v2 endpoints.

Changes in this version

This version reduces the post-processing on the server-side. This makes requests for bulk data significantly faster, but relies on the end user to process the data themself (sorting, filtering, etc.)

A major structural change is the usage of path parameters, rather than query parameters, for some endpoints. This is indicated in the endpoint URL such as GET /player/<uuid> where <uuid> should be replaced with a player's UUID string.


Get Player

Retrieves special player data from the server. (i.e. data not included in stats or advancements)


GET /player/<uuid>


  • uuid (required): The UUID of the player whose info you want to retrieve.

Example Response

   "uuid": "34e9f59b-854d-4889-9b06-a862933c3c94",
   "username": "Plexiate",
   "join_date": 1611876703869,
   "last_seen": 1725869477354,
   "number": 3,
   "score": 23295,
   "lifetime_xp": 752798

Get Advancements

Provides all advancements' completion status for a player. (If an advancement is not completed, it may or may not be included in the response at all.)


GET /advancements/<uuid>


  • uuid (required): The UUID of the player whose info you want to retrieve.

Example Response

   "minecraft:adventure/adventuring_time": true,

Get Recipes

Provides all recipes' unlocked status for a player. (If a recipe is not unlocked, it may or may not be included in the response at all.)


GET /recipes/<uuid>


  • uuid (required): The UUID of the player whose info you want to retrieve.

Example Response

   "minecraft:recipes/misc/blue_dye": true,
   "minecraft:recipes/transportation/acacia_boat": true,

Get Numbers

Provides all UUIDs and their join numbers.


GET /numbers


  • None

Example Response

   "0008ccf6-3ea2-4b05-92de-72114c363494": 956,
   "000bf253-9a90-42d0-9b18-6c6a1a43d65a": 811,

Version 1 (Deprecated)

Get Player Stats


GET /stats/players


  • x-api-key (required): Your API key.


  • player (required): The UUID of the player whose stats you want to retrieve.

Example Request

GET https://crafters.one/api/v1/stats/players?player=PLAYER_UUID


A successful request returns a JSON object containing the player's statistics. Example response:

   "animals_bred": 172,
   "cake_slices_eaten": 52,
   "damage_absorbed": 649,
   "damage_dealt": 1296101,
   "damage_dealt_absorbed": 1061,
   "damage_dealt_resisted": 0,
   "damage_resisted": 17131,
   "damage_taken": 241982,
   "deaths": 44,
   "fish_caught": 715,
   "is_online": false,
   "join_date": 1611876703869,
   "jumps": 514088,
   "last_seen": 1717894499615,
   "mob_kills": 83480,
   "netherite_hoes_crafted": 1,
   "play_time": 9566304,
   "player_kills": 291,
   "score": 100,
   "time_since_death": 8611,
   "time_since_rest": 8631,
   "username": "Plexiate",
   "uuid": "34e9f59b-854d-4889-9b06-a862933c3c94"

Additional Information

  • animals_bred: The number of animals bred by the player.
  • cake_slices_eaten: The number of cake slices eaten by the player.
  • damage_absorbed: The total damage absorbed by the player.
  • damage_dealt: The total damage dealt by the player.
  • damage_dealt_absorbed: The total damage dealt by the player that was absorbed.
  • damage_dealt_resisted: The total damage dealt by the player that was resisted.
  • damage_resisted: The total damage resisted by the player.
  • damage_taken: The total damage taken by the player.
  • deaths: The number of times the player has died.
  • fish_caught: The number of fish caught by the player.
  • is_online: A boolean indicating if the player is currently online.
  • join_date: The timestamp of when the player first joined the server.
  • jumps: The number of jumps made by the player.
  • last_seen: The timestamp of when the player was last seen online.
  • mob_kills: The number of mobs killed by the player.
  • netherite_hoes_crafted: The number of netherite hoes crafted by the player.
  • play_time: The total playtime in seconds.
  • player_kills: The number of other players the player has killed.
  • score: The player's current score.
  • time_since_death: The time in seconds since the player last died.
  • time_since_rest: The time in seconds since the player last rested.
  • username: The player's username.
  • uuid: The player's unique identifier.

For a statistic such as join_date and last_seen you can use a tool such as Unix Time Converter to get a date and time out of it.

Get World Stats


GET /stats/world


  • x-api-key (required): Your API key.

Example Request

GET https://crafters.one/api/v1/stats/world


A successful request returns a JSON object containing the player's statistics. Example response:

   "day_count_end": 84978,
   "day_count_nether": 84977,
   "day_count_overworld": 16,
   "online_players": [
   "time_of_day": "day",
   "total_players": 865,
   "weather_overworld": "clear"

Additional Information

  • day_count_end: The number of days that have passed in the End dimension.
  • day_count_nether: The number of days that have passed in the Nether dimension.
  • day_count_overworld: The number of days that have passed in the Overworld dimension.
  • online_players: A list of players currently online.
  • time_of_day: The current time of day in the game (e.g., "night").
  • total_players: The total number of players who have joined the server.
  • weather_overworld: The current weather in the Overworld (e.g., "clear").

Get Top Players


GET /stats/top_players


  • x-api-key (required): Your API key.


  • stat (required): The bukkit statistic you want to retrieve.
  • type (optional): The Block, Item, or Entity when using DROP, PICKUP, MINE_BLOCK, USE_ITEM, BREAK_ITEM, CRAFT_ITEM, KILL_ENTITY, ENTITY_KILLED_BY, or TARGET_HIT.
  • limit (optional): The number of top players requested to return in the list. This can be left off to only retrieve the number one player.

Example Request

GET https://crafters.one/api/v1/stats/top_players?stat=STAT_HERE&type=TYPE_HERE&limit=10


A successful request returns a JSON object containing the player's statistics. Example response:

   "statistic": "CAKE_SLICES_EATEN",
   "top_players": [
           "username": "ShimmyMySherbet",
           "uuid": "892725c0-8f95-4561-bdf2-2d0ba15a4539",
           "value": 373
           "username": "legowarrior779",
           "uuid": "3da89c7a-fe24-49e6-aacc-728e38fbcdaa",
           "value": 266
           "username": "MommyTayy",
           "uuid": "fac7a21c-caed-4434-8733-e8ea1fe4d729",
           "value": 234
           "username": "MerelyMiserable",
           "uuid": "3411710b-9cfc-4360-aa9a-db9137ea9a37",
           "value": 228
           "username": "Cameron_TNT",
           "uuid": "9c2427cf-9cb1-405c-9a85-8f468e687ff5",
           "value": 168

Using Postman with CraftersAPI

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Install Postman: If you haven’t already, download and install Postman from Postman’s official website.

2. Open Postman

3. Create a New Request:

  - Click on the “New” button in the top left corner of the Postman interface.
  - Select “HTTP” from the menu.

4. Set Up the Request:

  - In the new request window, select “GET” from the dropdown menu next to the URL field.
  - Enter the URL for the API endpoint you want to test. For example, to get player stats, enter:

5. Headers:

  - Click on the “Headers” tab below the URL field.
  - Add the required query parameters:
    - x-api-key: Your API key.

6. Query Parameters:

  - Click on the “Params” tab below the URL field.
  - Add the required query parameters:
    - player: The UUID of the player whose stats you want to retrieve.

7. Send the Request

8. View the Response

This documentation should help you get started with using the CraftersAPI. If you have any questions or encounter any issues please contact support@crafters.one or open a ticket for assistance.