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Whitelist Status Revoked

Date of ban: June 19th, 2023
Ban reason: Terrorism / Griefing


Absolutely fooled joined during the player boom of 2022, an explosion in players caused by a YouTube video uploaded by another player. They proceeded to settle Spam Town with player IRWeeks. After one month however during a dispute over cat gifs on the Crafter's community run Discord server, where permissions of image embeds were removed due to spam in #general, A.F chose that if they couldn't have cat gifs; they would do arson. And arson they did. During the time leading up to their ban they spawned a wither inside of Easy Speak Mountain's Pub. This occurred the day after the owner of the pub's, legowarrior779, birthday. The buildings were restored by the glow people and all personal items & land went into the ownership of lego as retribution for their crimes. The motive behind the target of their attack is still unknown, but is believed to be caused by them thinking lego had something to do with their ability to post cat gifs in #general getting removed. None of this has been confirmed though.


- Founded Spam Town
