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Revision as of 21:59, 15 July 2023 by Elpson (talk | contribs)
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Mall Entrance


Mall was built on June 8th by Elpson. It can be accessed through the entrance at 240, 35. Originally built to solve the problem of countless pop-up shops in Spawn Town. It houses small shops with 5 blocks wide storefront, because bigger shops aren't allowed.

Shops in the mall

Mall Inside

Every active player can claim a plot to build their shop in the mall. Detailed rules and guidelines can be found at the entrance. Having a shop in the mall is free, but if you don't maintain it well, it can be removed to make space for others. Only one shop per player with small storefront is allowed to have room for everyone.

Railway Station

Mall Railway Station

Mall has its own railway station close right next to stairs. Through it you can access 0,0 and Server Museum with more stations to come.