The 6th Month Anniversary

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Revision as of 08:41, 11 April 2023 by Plexiate (talk | contribs)
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The 6th Month Anniversary was celebrated on July 29th, 2021. Which is 1 day after the actual 6th month mark. When planning the event nobody on the server could remember the actual servers starting date. It was held in Spawn Town and in attendance was over 50 players. The most the server had seen since launch. Plexiate had live streamed the event to their YouTube audience to maximize turnout. This was an important milestone for Crafters, and one players wouldn't soon forget.

During the days leading up to the celebration some players started planning an event that would entertain and host the large influx of players wanted to participate in small games.Plexiate organized the events side of things and legowarrior779 did most of the building. A few other players were helping set up before the party was set to start. Plexiate was planning to live stream this to their YouTube channel where they would participate in a few games, with some wagering death and prizes.

During this time the whitelisting system was back in the first iteration; Where players would pay a one time $5 fee towards server costs to get whitelisted. This process would change one more time before finally changing to the current whitelisting system of applying through the [Discord].

Game Stalls

There were many stalls opened up by players for the anniversary day.

