Crafter City

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Revision as of 06:59, 25 February 2024 by GalaticAdam (talk | contribs) (Added first commits for Crafter City)
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page pending to be written -GalaticAdam

City Description

The government of the city will include 9 cultist leaders that represent the Cult of Crafters, or the church of the city. The Cult will be solely responsible with communicating with our god CrafterOne and the decisions that the affect the church and the religion representing the city. The government of the city will also include 5 Advisors of the People, who will be solely responsible for representing the non-religious side of the city residents. This will include residential needs, industrial needs, shopping needs, building needs, etc and tbd needs. The goal of building this city will be to attract newer players, older players and any inbetween. This is an engagement experimentation to impliment a non-strict government, and a non-strict religion system successfully and eternally root our names in history as a religion and a town. We believe in worshipping the one and only, CrafterOne, for his magical items and powers he has over us mortals. Anyone participating in the Cult of the Crafters religion will see CrafterOne as a god, and will treat him as such. Anyone who does not want to participate will be just a normal residential citizen of CrafterCity. As a basis of living in CrafterCity, and being apart of our religious community, the Cultists will naturally have certain privilages over normal citizens. This will be determined by the Cultists and the Advisors and posted in writing to the public.

city hiearchy

The Cult of the Nine:

The advisors of the People:

Land claim

The current city borders are as states~

rectangular format from 11,000,100-13,000,900

~building within 1000 blocks of the rectangular corners of the city borders. No personal, private, city town, or entity can build within these restrictions without explicit permission from the city.


1) If any government or church members including the Cult of the Nine and the Advisors of the people have been determined corrupt or disloyal to CrafterOne or CrafterCity, a vote will occur amongst the rest of the Officials and amongst the population. The one accused of being corrupt will go through a vote of their corresponding party, the opposite party and the population. If the following requirements are met, the one accused will be permanently exiled from the city. 75% Official Vote 80% Population Vote

2) If any person who has been exiled from the city were to return, their number of offenses and their punishment according as such is listed below.

1st: 20D Fine

2nd: 100D Fine

3rd: 1000D Fine

4th: Kill On Sight

(after being asked to leave)

  • If any person is not able to pay a fine, they will attend a court hearing amongst at least 2 witnesses, a judge, and a defender if they wish. Only then will the punishment of the person unable to pay their fine will be determined at an equal rate according to the severity of their fine.