017 ICU2D v TurtleBoi32

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Revision as of 10:28, 22 June 2024 by GreaseGobbo (talk | contribs)
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Plaintiff: GlowChad

Defendant: TurtleBoi32

Judge: GreaseGobbo

Baliff: cheeseballs325

Court Stenographer: Plexiate

Jury: sc6fi, KJNine, fungiy0


The plaintiff was seeking damages for theft

1,022 pieces of bonemeal stolen.

Safe return of the stolen goods and 15 diamonds and requested as reparations. 


Guilty. Reparations Awarded


Judge: Yeah court is back in session. What the- who brought the dog? Who brought the dog. Sit down. Sit down! Bailiff, bailiff hit everyone. Okay. Okay. Hang on. Bailiff why are you hitting….

Judge: Okay the defense please show your evidence

I need. I need. I need someone to murder lightning strike this court room.

_Lightning strike_

Oh thank god. Get him.