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Player Details

Player: # 424

Join Date: May 3, 2023

Last Seen: May 8, 2023


Time Played: 24 Hours

Distance Traveled: 187,801 Blocks

Player Kills: 3

Deaths: 8


Netrammarten is a resident of The Republic of Estonia. He owns the unfinished meth lab on the island. Originally he tried to build an original house without the help of the others, but failed miserably. After giving up, he repurposed the said building into a brewing house.

"Netrammarten's meth lab"
"A superior Estonian method of collecting bottles. "Taara" stands for packaging(bottles, cans). Set up to collect empty bottles "

Transformation into Heisenberg

After repurposing his house to a meth lab, he downloaded the first Heisenberg skin from the internet and changed his address to "308 Negra Arroya Lane". At present, his meth lab fulfills the island's need for potions.

"Netrammarten's hazmat suit for cooking meth"