Bunny Town

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Revision as of 07:57, 6 May 2023 by TriceSlice (talk | contribs)
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A town that was founded by VillianDekuBunny. there are currently 6 people living here, those being VillianDekuBunny, TriceSlice, _teller, HalfAsleepSam, Soll_, Wolley542 and LegoWarrior779

the people who have left Bunny Town are Voidkhaos232

The current fastest method to get there is to take the nether portal near the Book Store and finding the clay road then turning right (this will be updated with better instructions later)

The inn also houses a side Horse Breeding area where some of the best horses in the Server are made

for some strange reason this area is known to grow crops faster then other areas, making it more useful for farmers to live here (lore)