Town Of Copperton
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Copperton Netherway Stop, September 5th, 2024

Watchtower, EyeofSauron
Declaration of Copperton
The Declaration of Copperton was established on August 20th, 2024. The declaration was signed by Copper King Gatsby, marking the birth of this town.
Rules of Copperton
The Rules of Copperton were also written by Plexiate and serve as the guidelines for all residents. These rules emphasize Copperton’s focus on creative freedom, community, and respect under the firm leadership of King Gatsby. Below are the original rules as documented:
- Whatever GatsbyWoW, HomelessBear, and PaperTomb says goes. This is a dictatorship.
- If your house or land is an eyesore or in any way affects the development of the Kingdom, admins and the King can destroy it without warning.
- Respect your fellow Kingdom members. We are a community here for fun and would like to last for as long as the server stays up.
- Be kind to your fellow town members. If you're toxic, admins or the King can kick you without warning. Your builds and items within The Kingdom will be forfeited to the town bank. You can buy them back for 2 stacks of diamonds or never get them back.
- The town border is 1000x1000 blocks from the Town Beacon, 500 in each direction of it. Any copper found within this region must be given to GatsbyWoW, unless used for building. If not given or reported, you will receive a 10-diamond fine for every stack.
- No lag machines or obnoxious builds.
- PvP is only allowed in designated areas. If you die within the area, your items are forfeited to the winning player. No exceptions.
- Be as creative as you want with your builds. There are no restrictions on creating a shop, but each player can have 1 plot for a shop and 1 for a house. You must contact an admin before claiming.
- Do not pester or harass admins. If interested in becoming an admin, contact GatsbyWoW.
- Any banned players are an automatic KOS (Kill On Sight) if found within our Nether Highway or land. These players will also be fined 100 diamonds.
- Respect public farms and replant. Do not mess them up.
- Additional rules may be added later. Use common sense. If you act recklessly, you will be kicked and banned.
- Remember, Gatsby is King. Whatever he says goes.
History and Governance
Copperton is a town governed by the firm hand of King GatsbyWoW. Since its founding, it has grown to be one of the major consumers of copper.
Current Citizens
- GatsbyWoW
- HomelessBear
- PaperTomb
- TagYurIt
- fizzkatt
- copper_core
- Hemprig
- Grillbz305
- SkeleyBoiii
- EyeOfSauron
- GrimsterGrim
- Vyncxx
- DragonBane1645
- RealLandon09
- StreetyBH
Notable Locations
- Copperton Center: The main hub of the town, where major events might be held.
- Town Hall: in the works...
- Market Area: ...