Newcamshire | |
![]() Newcamshire (2023) | |
Founders |
Founded |
10th May, 2023 |
Residents |
4+ |
Founded May 10th 2023, Newcamshire is a town located by the (5000 -5000) mark, Legally Co-owned between Cameron_TNT and J_Slug, but with multiple other contributors including but not limited to Daespi and Yiaro222. Newcamshire is welcoming of visitors providing they abide by its laws for the duration of their visit, it offers a Visitor centre directly opposite of the nether portal which displays some of the legal information and potential travel destinations.
Newcamshire is mainly separated into 4 main districts (each named after the suits of playing cards) with additional areas to accompany them. Each district and area has its own theme and design, and a unique selection of landmarks. -The first area upon arrival through the main portal entrance is the docks, these run along the coast of Newcamshire and include the coastline where the nation began, along with a wide array of ships that make up the Newcamshire fleet, an array of small market stalls, and several constructions to assist in the on-loading and offloading of material onto nearby vessels. -The 1st District, and the one closest to the main portal entrance is the Diamond District, it has sometimes been referred to as the "market district" due to the buildings following a European market aesthetic, and the amount of small businesses that can be found within this district. It is also home to the Newcamshire official bank, which houses the main storage system. Buildings here are the most frequently provided to newer residents of Newcamshire. -The second District is the Heart District, likely named as such due to its position in the centre of Newcamshire, as of writing there are yet to be any major constructions made within this district. -The third District is the Spade District, this district is the furthest from the coast and is mostly surrounded by desert, as of writing there are yet to be any major constructions made within this district. -The fourth District is the Club District, this district has been mainly constructed by the efforts of another Newcamshire resident Just_Arelli. -Another Area within Newcamshire is commonly referred to by the locals as "the pit", it features a large pit by the coastline that is being explored and constructed mainly by Daespi, there is also a nearby lighthouse built early in Newcamshires development by Cameron_TNT -One of the areas within Newcamshire that are often easily missed is the factory, this is a large open expanse found underneath Newcamshire which houses many of the larger machinery and farms that provide Newcamshire with its large abundance of resources. This project is mainly achieved due to the efforts of Yiaro222.
On the night of June 11th, Newcamshires land claim document was officially signed by CrafterOne, granting Newcamshire full private ownership of the land. This has given Newcamshire the unique privilege of defining their own laws and restrictions inside the land of Newcamshire, which may vary from that of spawntown, or any other general laws.
Due to the possible confusion of players on these unique sets of laws, Newcamshire has TOS which are plastered upon entry to the land, and which are accepted upon entry. Players who wish to read the laws of Newcamshire can either have an overview in the visitor centre, or by accessing the local library once it has finished construction.
Copy's of Newcamshires land claim document and other historical documents will be found in the aforementioned library.
Newcamshires foundations were laid when Cameron_TNT joined the server on May 10th 2023, and boated away to the 5000 -5000 mark. After digging a hole into a cliff face, Cameron_TNT was helped by Kekui to get a foothold in the server. The next day, J_Slug was invited to the server by Cameron_TNT, where progress rapidly began on Newcamshire.
A few days into the progress of Newcamshire, two creatures entered through the Newcamshire portal, screaming, with one chasing the other. Eventually, one of them died, and the other (GreaseGobbo) would go on to help construct an ice highway for transport to Spawntown. Later in the day, the other one started hiding in our walls, requiring extermination. This would inspire J_Slug to begin to write down a basic taxonomy for species in Crafters One, which will likely be accessible upon completion of the library.
After 11 days of progress, Newcamshire expanded its market to reach the wider server, selling fully enchanted diamond armour and tools for 48 diamonds a set. The success of this would put start the groundwork's for Newcamshires future marketing endeavors, which would provide Newcamshire with the required finances for future projects.
Three days later Newcamshires third resident, Daespi, Joined (24th May 2023). The addition of a third resident would both speed up the construction of Newcamshire, but also allow for more variety of build styles.
Later after this, One of Newcamshire's newer markets began to sell of Totems of Undying, with a supply provided by a rudimentary raid farm. This farm produced enough totems to allow Newcamshire to undercut its competitors, by providing discounts that were cheaper by a factor of 6. This caused a near collapse of the totem market, resulting in totem prices dropping to 2 diamonds per 27 totems.
After this occurrence, on June 8th 2023, Yiaro222 was taken as a Newcamshire resident. Cameron_TNT had met Yiaro222 prior to the signing of its private land claim document and as a result was quickly offered residency in Newcamshire once the necessary preparations were completed, with Yiaro222 offering to help with builds and contraptions around Newcamshire, with his technical minecraft knowledge.
A few days later, pressured by the increasing demand on resources to support the increasing population, Newcamshire constructed an automatic tree farm to keep up with the wood demand. With the excess material produced by the farm being sold off, to fund further projects. This excess wood would end up being sold at 3 times cheaper than its competitors, resulting in a rapid decrease in the value of wood, similar to the prior events with the totems.
After about another week of development, Newcamshires sorting system was complete largely due to the efforts of Yiaro222, supplied with Newcamshires resources. This system allowed residents to easily deposit and find deposited items in the system, instead of searching an ever increasing number of unsorted chests. This would benefit the build team who would be able to increase their rate of construction as a result of the new ease of access to materials, and made it easier overall for everyone to work with the storage
After this, several of Newcamshires marketing endeavors began to be put into practice. Including but not limited to... -shulker shells that were originally farmed to be used in operating the new storage system but with excess product being distributed to the market, these would be sold at 3 stacks per diamond, yet again massively undercutting its competition and resulting in a large drop in value for the product. -enchanting books that would be sold at 5 books per diamond -bee related products, including honeycomb at 4 stacks per diamond, and honey at 4 stacks per diamond.
Ongoing Projects
--Please note that this information may be out of date, last updated 4th August 2023--
One of Newcamshires current projects is the Lower Docks. This area was one of the first major areas to be constructed, and at point of recording is only missing a few minor details. These details are however still important so this area is still yet to be declared as complete.
Another ongoing project is the Pit. This area is being dug out and decorated, to provide a tucked away intricate experience to anyone that finds it. This includes heavy focus on natural detailing, and theming for each cave. Currently, while the main body of the pit has been excavated, as of writing it is largely lacking in decorations so far, with only one offshoot cave which is fully complete. The pit is not the current priority however, given other projects at the time
One of the main focuses at the moment is the Diamond district of Newcamshire. The hope is is that this area is the main area for activity within Newcamshire, boasting numerous interesting things to see and do. This area is being fitted with many tight packed buildings along the main course of the street, running in line with the vally. This should help give the area a closed in, but comfortable feel. This, however, is obviously a lot of work since not only do the exteriors of the buildings have to be unique, but so do the interiors, giving a lot of work for every resident assigned to the project to do.
Finally, another main focus has been the Factory. The factory required a massive hole to be dug out of about 140*40*30, with massive redstone contraptions to fit inside. This creates the bulk of building blocks we will need, all on one production line, with a control panel to choose which we want. This should remove most building block limitations, allowing us to use massive amounts of resources on truly massive structures, without having to spend an unreasonable amount of time collecting them.
Newcamshire aims to stay ethically right in accordance with its laws and customs, however moral ambiguity is of course inevitable and as a result will likely be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Villagers: We have a villager trading hall to obtain some of the gear and items that we need in bulk, but in the hall the villagers may be held in less than ideal housing, with not enough personal space. To counter this, we have been regularly releasing a small portion of our villagers from their area, and letting them move around freely. Additionally, while some may die in the trading process, this is quite a unavoidable consequence of villager trading and while tragic, must be encountered.
Pillager raid farm: For totem generation, we have a farm which channels Pillagers into a small space to be killed. This allows their items to be collected. While this would certianly be morally wrong against mobs like Villagers, Pillagers are actually very evil, killing any villager in sight, meaning that this method of treating pillagers is more of a vindication than a moral issue.